Chelsea Cain's novels featuring Detective Archie Sheridan and serial killer Gretchen Lowell have captivated fans through two nail-biting entries, Heartsick and Sweetheart, both multi-week best - sellers in The New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly. Here Gretchen is still on the loose and Archie is still hospitalized after his ploy to catch her went spectacularly wrong. They've entered a detente of sorts—Archie agrees not to kill himself if she agrees not to kill anyone else. But suddenly there's something else to contend with that might be worse—a zealous fan of Gretchen's, paying homage to the Beauty Killer by luring Archie and reporter Susan Ward to the scene of a grisly murder. At least they hope it's the work of someone new, for the prospect of Gretchen breaking her promise is more than Archie can bear.
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