The Nine Billion Names of God and Other Stories, the third volume in the Collected Stories of Arthur C Clarke, is comprised of those 22 stories which Clarke considered personal favorites among his own work at the time. The authors hand picked entries include six early club tales from Tales From the White Heart featuring the comic narrative of Harry Purvis: "Big Game Hunt," "Patent Pending," "Armament's Race," "The Reluctant Orchid," "The Pacifists," and "What Goes Up." Other classic Clarke stories included are: "Superiority," "The Possessed", "All the Time in the World," "Encounter in the Dawn", "If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth", "The Other Tiger," "Jupiter Five," "The Parasite," "The 9 Billion Names of God," "No Morning After," "The Deep Range," "Refugee," "Publicity Campaign," "Venture to the Moon," and "The Star"
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