Binge eating, also known as compulsive eating, is more common than most people think. Those who practice this disorder try to keep it to themselves and carry on as if they're normal just like everyone else. But the reality is that it is a disease driven by emotions whether some choose to recognize it as such or not. "Binge Eating: An Emotional Disease" explores not only factors, but the solutions that can help anyone curb their appetite so to speak and get back to a healthier way of living. Practicing these solutions, once you have your mind made up to employ them, will help you gain the emotional balance that you need in order to stop this habit. The residual effects are positive because it spills over into other aspects of your life thus giving you a proper balance there as well. Getting help is possible to stop eating in the closet or behind closed doors. Allow the information in this book to help you start taking charge of your life now.
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