As an eyewitness to the assassination of President Kennedy, author James Tague's Warren Commission testimony changed history and he is now recognized as a top researcher on the murder of JFK. This book takes the reader from that day in 1963 through the events of 50 years of discovery to document that Lyndon Johnson and his cronies were behind the assassination of President Kennedy. Tague presents 101 stories in 101 chapters that provide answers to most of the lingering questions of that event. The author James Tague was an eyewitness to the assassination of President Kennedy, his Warren Commission testimony changed history and he is now recognized as a top researcher on the murder of JFK.This book takes the reader from that day in 1963 through the events of 50 years of discovery to document that Lyndon Johnson and his cronies were behind the assassination of President Kennedy.101 stories in 101 chapters that will answer most ofthe lingering questions that the reader has had.
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