Babette Haggerty brings her fool-proof dog training classes, developed over thirty years of experience, right into owners' houses and yards through step-by-step photographs of every part of every important lesson you need to train your dog, plus a few fun tricks. It's like she's right there transforming your dog from rascally newcomer to well behaved and considerate companion. She offers a wide array of effective techniques to get every dog to walk smartly on a leash, come on command, listen and follow when off the leash, and become forever house trained. Her methods are as effective on Maltese's as Rottweiler's so training your dog is as easy as looking-and-learning, no matter what breed or size. Babette is a sought out expert for many national dog associations as well as the Westminster Dog Show. She has trained dogs for various celebrities including Jack Nicklaus, Senator Frank Lautenberg, Jimmy Buffett and most recently Seth Meyers of Saturday Night Live. She is the daughter of Captain Arthur Haggerty, author of the bestselling book, Dog Tricks, whom the New York Times once called a "master dog trainer...widely credited with establishing dog training as a respectable profession in this country."
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