A brief but disastrous relationship with the gorgeous Reddy, an "investment counselor" who turns out to be a con man, causes Savannah belle BeBe Loudermilk to lose everything. All that's left is a ramshackle 1950s motor court on Tybee Island. Tybee is outside of Savannah, an eccentric beach town that calls itself a drinking village with a fishing problem. Breeze Inn is a place where BeBe wouldn't normally be caught dead, but there she is, unwilling to admit failure, fighting bankruptcy. With the help of friends, she soon has the motel spiffed up and attracting paying guests. Then there's a sighting of Reddy in Florida, and BeBe decides to go after him with a plan to carry out a sting that may be just a little bit outside the law but that, with any luck at all, will retrieve BeBe's fortune.
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